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Monday, July 16, 2007

Bigsby Vibrato Installation-B5 Telecaster

Bigsby Vibrato Installation - B5 Telecaster

a Squire Telecaster guitar in this detailed video. Adam demonstrates the difference in tone before and after the Bigsby installation. Video includes details of the tools required for This video demonstrates the installation of a Bigsby B5 Vibrato on to a Fender Telecaster.

Bigsby afficionado, Adam Seutter, walks the viewer step by step through the installation process of the Bigsby B5 Vibrato kit on a Squire Telecaster guitar in this detailed video. Adam demonstrates the difference in tone before and after the Bigsby installation. Video includes details of the tools required for installation including proper drill bit sizes and positioning of the Bigsby vibrato prior to mounting.
From: bigsbyguitars
Views: 2,085
Added: 1 month ago
Time: 09:04

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