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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sold Out

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Hey Rosli,We have officially sold out our BBO Teleseminar Formula program.
If you were one of the many who wanted in but didn't make it intime, I apologize, but we cannot let any more partners in.However, if you are interested in getting the training for thisprogram, you can go here and get on our waiting list:>>>
I will give you an exclusive offer that you won't want to miss. This offer will only be good for a few days, and then I will beremoving it.
Talk to you soon!
Matthew Glanfield Glanfield Marketing Solutions, 97 Terrace Ave, Welland, Ontario L3C6K1, CANADA

What Bob Said...

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This is a post that Bob Jenkins put on my blog (without me askinghim to).
You can see it for yourself here:>>>
Here are his comments:---------------------------------Matthew, this price is unreal.Why is $1997 a great value? A bit of perspective for your readers.For $1997 you could attend a 3 day seminar, where you would learn(usually) decent but superficial content from 15 different experts.All of them would upsell you on a $3000 or higher product. If youpick one of those programs (and there are great ones and ones thatare highly overpriced), you would then have spent at least $6000(plus airfare, hotel, etc.) and you would hope it works for you.With Matthew's program, you are getting a full hand-heldexperience, not just in showing you how to repeat a system, but inthe actual implementation of that system.This is a rare opportunity.And just to put a different angle on this....Matthew has promoted several of my sites, and is my top affiliateon almost all of them. Because of the great relationship he hasbuilt up with his list (and maintains), when he sends an email out,I get sales within minutes. In fact, the WORST he's ever done is$700 as an affiliate from one email. Usually, he nets much higherthan that. Which means, when he promotes your site, if you followhis system, you should make your investment back with justMatthew's promotion alone (I can't, nor can Matthew guarantee thisof course).But that's only part of the story.Because Matthew is connected to a lot of people who will alsopromote after he does. For example, one of Matthew's members (I'llcall him Todd), has also been a great promoter for my sites. He'salso generated a lot of revenue for my sites, and I never wouldhave connected with him if it wasn't for Matthew.So what am I rambling on about?For $1997, you are getting 1 expert teleseminar product created ANDpromoted in 8 weeks (although you can certainly do more than one),and the lessons to create as many teleseminars as you want in thefuture. And the first one will generate a list and revenue streamthat is just the beginning of a long term growth trajectory.I can't say this enough -- and no Matthew didn't ask me to writethis -- without Matthew's help, either as my affiliate, or as amastermind member, or as a mentor, I would not be able to leave myjob at the end of next week and pursue my business full time. Ijust wouldn't be financially able to do it.Other than my own coaching program for teachers, this program is myhighest recommendation for coaching today. And the ability to payin 4 payments helps you gain access much easier, and pay for thecoaching after it has been delivered with the profits from yourteleseminar.
Bob at 12pm EDT I will be opening up this program to only 20partners.If you are at all interested in becoming one I strongly suggest yougo and watch this short video:>>> to you soon!Matthew Glanfield

BBO Teleseminar Formula Releasing This week..

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With the approach of the release of the BBO Teleseminar FormulaPartner program I have created one last video to show you exactlywhat you will get with this membership.
You can watch the video here:>>>
I will also reveal the cost of this program.
If you are at all serious about partnering with me, then watch thisvideo now so you can find out when it will be released.
Matthew Glanfield Glanfield Marketing Solutions, 97 Terrace Ave, Welland, Ontario L3C6K1, CANADA

2 The-Traffic-Tactics Video

I promised you 2 videos...
To see what Carlos and Lupe have to share with
you, you need to go NOW to (VIDEO)
Make sure to watch the whole video. You can
see my VP of operations Tom Beal at the end
of the video.
Then you will get a chance to see Carlos and Lupe
on stage in a second video.
Again.. go here NOW
Mike Filsaime
ONLY AFTER you see the video ABOVE
you can see a trailer video I made for our
top secret product launch coming on 7/7/07
... only click above after you go to
PPS - Make sure to click on BOTH links in this email.
(c) 2007, Inc.
Go here for all the tools you need to run your online business.
Get ButterFly Marketing for Only $97
Download the report that changed marketing history.
See if your name is at
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To reply to this email, please go to
3555 Veterans Memorial Highway Suite E
Ronkonkoma, New York 11779 USA

New Traffic Video

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Keith here.
I have nothing to sell you, but I do have a video you may
want to watch if you are at all interested in driving
traffic to your website.
This will only be online for a limited time, so make sure
you watch it soon.
Take care,
Keith Baxter
Ps - You are in for a nice surprise when you see this:
526 Kingdom Edge Dr. Suite 165, Kingwood, TX 77339, USA

Monday, June 11, 2007

Here's Part Two - Five More Ways To Leverage Your Existing Content

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Hello again,
Michael Rasmussen here, and I just wanted to send you
a quick note to let you know that the newest issue of
my Internet Marketing Success Newsletter has been
This is the second part of the two-part series on how
to make more money by leveraging your existing
In this issue, I continue to teach you 5 unique ways
to take your existing content, and transform it into
another income stream for yourself. I recently posted
about this on a discussion forum, and it was a HOT
topic, so you're not going to want to miss this one.
Download it here. This is a PDF file, so right click
on the link below, and choose 'Save Target As' to
download it to your hard drive.
NOTE: If you've ever bought the private label resale
rights to any products in the past, then you
DEFINITELY need to read this issue, because this will
show you how to differentiate yourself from everyone
else who bought the same package.
Here's a small sample of what you'll learn in the new
* How to transform your content into a stream of viral
traffic that keeps getting larger and larger. If you
like getting tons of traffic for free, then make sure
you check out tactic #6.
* Give your existing eBook to an editor, and have them
create one of THESE, and you'll develop a list of
loyal subscribers who eagerly await your next email.
* If you like making easy money, then check out tactic
#9. You'll learn how to make 3 times as much money
from your existing product by making a simple change
that takes 15 minutes.
* 2 unique ways to turn your content into moneymaking
Go ahead and download it right away, because I'm only
leaving it up on the website for a few days. Here's
the URL to download your fr_ee copy:
This file is a PDF file and requires Acrobat Reader
for viewing (most often already installed in your
computer). Right click on the link below and "SAVE" on
your desktop. Once it is downloaded, VIEW the file by
double clicking the file.
Take care and enjoy your lastest issue.
Your Friend,
Michael Rasmussen
Forum Moderator
P.S. - You should have received part one just a few
days ago, but just in case, here's the link where you
can download that issue:
I didn't want to post part two right away, but the
demand has been overwhelming. People loved the content
of the first issue, and so I didn't want to keep them

10 Ways To Leverage Your Existing Content -Part 1

Related Tags:
READ THIS FIRST: I thought you'd like to get some
quality content in the midst of all these product
launch emails. Be sure to read this through. There's
nothing to buy here. Enjoy :)
Hello again,
Michael Rasmussen here, and I just wanted to send you
a quick note to let you know that the newest issue of
my Internet Marketing Success Newsletter has been
This is the first part of the two-part series on how
to make more money by leveraging your existing
Download it here. This is a PDF file, so right click
on the link below, and choose 'Save Target As' to
download it to your hard drive.
In this issue, I teach you 5 unique ways to take your
existing content, and transform it into another income
stream for yourself. I recently posted about this on a
discussion forum, and it was a HOT topic, so you're
not going to want to miss this one.
NOTE: If you've ever bought the private label resale
rights to any products in the past, then you
DEFINITELY need to read this issue, because this will
show you how to differentiate yourself from everyone
else who bought the same package.
Here's a small sample of what you'll learn in the new
* The single most important ingredient your content
MUST have in order for you to leverage it into more
money (without this, you can't do anything with your
content, guaranteed!).
* How to take a small chunk of your content, and turn
it into a special little package that will SKYROCKET
the results of your next email promotion!
* If you like making easy money, then check out tactic
#2 for the simple solution that can bring you a steady
stream of sales - WITHOUT spending a dime!
* How to 'downgrade' your product, and actually get
MORE customers, and make MORE money than you did by
selling it at full price! Have you tried this advanced
marketing tactic yet?
* The single biggest mistake that marketers make when
turning their content into articles, and how to avoid
Go ahead and download it right away, because I'm only
leaving it up on the website for a few days. Here's
the URL to download your fr_ee copy:
This file is a PDF file and requires Acrobat Reader
for viewing (most often already installed in your
computer). Right click on the link below and "SAVE" on
your desktop. Once it is downloaded, VIEW the file by
double clicking the file.
Your Friend,
Michael Rasmussen
Forum Moderator

I've Got A Surprise For You

I've Got A Surprise For You
Michael Rasmussen here, and I've got something really
exciting to share with you. I've just finished making
you a new video, and it's going to change the way you
do business forever!
What's it about? Well, let me ask you this:
- Would you like to know the secret to getting more
leads and prospects to visit your website?
- Would you like to know how to make more money from
every new lead you get?
If you answered 'yes' to either of those questions,
you're going to want to pay close attention to your
email inbox tomorrow morning at 8:00am eastern
standard time.
Why? Because I've just negotiated an amazing deal with
a friend of mine who is a WIZARD at generating hot,
new leads for any type of business. He's agreed to
teach YOU how to do it, and he'll do it for MUCH less
than everyone else has to pay.
This deal is for my readers ONLY, so don't tell anyone
else about the video I'm going to send you tomorrow.
This is your reward for being a loyal subscriber.
Keep your eyes open for my email tomorrow morning. It
will have the subject line:
"NEW VIDEO - How To Get More Leads ASAP"
I'll see you tomorrow.
Your Friend,
Michael Rasmussen
Forum Moderator